By gudmarjoh - 08/12/2010 23:09 - Iceland

Today, after studying all night for an exam, I ran out to catch the bus. On my way to the bus, my hair got caught in a branch for some minutes. Thinking I'd missed the bus but thankfully didn't, I went on. A few minutes later I remembered that my exam had been postponed for 3 hours today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 165
You deserved it 10 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zp5 4

wait! wait for me! *trips and falls on knees* sssssssss ahhhhhhhh! ssssssss ahhhhhhhh! sssssssss ahhhhhhhh! sssssssss ahhhhhhhh! (from Family Guy)


if you are that dumb, maybe you shouldn't worry about a test. life seems too difficult for you. maybe you should just kill yourself

Your an asshole. everyone forgets something once in there life at least!

People on here telling them to kill themself. That's so stupid. Its one exam that's not a reason for it. Idiots. But I'm sorry that does suck.

zp5 4

oh u guh?? can someone translate this?

zakkyzebra 11

It is exceedingly obvious to all but the feeblest of intellect that Lovepeave is referring to Georgetown University Hospital (GUH). She is clearly concerned for OP's health and is urging him to seek medical attention at not just any clinic, but at one of the finest academic hospitals in the US. I applaud your humanitarianism, ma'am. Brava.

epic_phail 0

I love you, Doc. your comments always make my day.

can you use this word in a sentence please ? :)

kylescham 0

Wait, there was nothing bad that happened to you. You fell oh no.

RosiePatosie 0

It's better than being late.. at least you can go home.

Ahh that sucks.. At least you can study more and by that way get a better grade? :)

ouch? Ah, that's happened to me, but I did a face-plant instead. Now that hurt.

MrCalves 1

Maybe he wasn't making a pun...

Violacatt 0

At least you definitely made it to the exam on time.