By rs - 30/06/2012 18:36 - Egypt

Today, after watching Hulk with my friends, we spent a good half hour discussing exactly how enlarged Bruce Banner's package would be in his Hulk state. I couldn't hide my excitement, and now my friends won't stop teasing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 535
You deserved it 25 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You wouldn't like me when I'm horny...

flockz 19

HULK SMASH!! if you know what i mean....


unknown_user5566 26

Asshole. See, I can call people names, too!

Douche. See? I can anonymously sling monosyllabic insults over the internet too. I guess that makes me as cool and witty as you are.

Dammit, Kleeklay! Beat me to the punch!

Mossadchick 5

Haha whenever someone says this I think of Hulk smashing Loki like a rag doll. EPIC

unknown_user5566 26

Since you are a female, how exactly were you showing physical signs of excitement? Unless you were wearing a skirt with no underwear, I'm not sure I understand how they would've known without you telling them...

She was probably just acting REALLY enthusiastic and her friends thought she was putting way too much thought into it, lol.

Nipples, they get stiff when cold or horny. Am I the only one that knows this? (Not trying to be rude there, just not sure how no one knows/remembers.)

Depends on how padded the bra was, lol. If she was wearing a flimsy one, or no bra at all, the nipples could have definitely given her away.

unknown_user5566 26

Yeah I didn't really consider the nipples, since most girls wear padded bras these days. That's a bit strange if OP's friends were looking closely enough at her boobs to notice such a thing, haha.

McNerdyNerd 8

When they're about to poke an eye out, it's hard not to notice haha

Yes 82, when females are aroused, their penises get hard. Makes perfect sense.

Does no one consider that this might have been a shirt less party because that came to mind.

unknown_user5566 26

Oh lord. You're one of those guys who assume girls try on each other's bras, have tickle fights, and indulge in pillow fights during sleepovers, aren't you?

byakko4 6

You're not the only one whose had that conversation. My best guy friend and I have a list of which characters we'd **** and in which order.

byakko4 6

Actually, Loki is. Then hawkeye, Natasha, hulk,Bruce, tony, cap, Thor, coulson, fury, Maria hill, and Darcy.

time to get out and get a real man

martin_martian7 11

I talk about that at band camp LOL.

Pinkfreak43 5

Is it bad if I thought that too? ;D we're just girls, it's natural. No worries

pinkpixie06 11

There's no shame in getting excited about that! :)