By Anonymous - 18/09/2010 05:39 - United States

Today, after weeks of allowing my parents to borrow money, I got a check for $2000. I took it to the bank only to find out it was fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 243
You deserved it 3 381

Same thing different taste

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That's ****** up why should they feel like they owe you anything? They fed your ass and housed you till you were 18 I'm sure they spent more than $2000 on you! **** you. They helped you out and it shouldn't be a burden for you to help them once in awhile.

That's the cost of having a child. In return they get the joy and love of having a child (well worth the approximately $100K most parents spend). It's not a loan—they don't get reimbursement.

but still the parents give him a fake check??

thatonedame 6

you are 100% financially responsable for any children you have til their 18th birthday. it's not the op's fault they were born. money borrowed needs to be returned. the fact that they made an attempt to pay it back, means they know it is owed. if they were .03 short, it would not have cleared. it could have been a simple math error, or maybe there were fees for overdrafting or something they didn't realize when they were finally able to put money in the account. the bank takes their money first. cleary they're having financial issues, but they should be borrowing money from parents or siblings, not their children.

Babushka_Homyak 10

I agree with 44 and 49. It was their decision to have a child, knowing the financial responsibility. Any parent who expects their child to pay them back for having them, or is resentful of their kid because they're poor, maybe they should have given up that kid for adoption.

So the whole parent child thing is just like university education? You have one because you want a $100000 return at some point? She didn't chose to be born.

PedoBearSaysYES 0

And so that makes it ok to lie and cheat their kids? fy kids lives if u ever have or had any. and u have no idea how ops parents raised him coulda just left him in front of a tv with just enough to live or made him work for everything. even then 2k is a lot. maybe op actually needs it.

xxWTFxx1981 23

People make me sick if your parents need help you help them. All this crap about their responsibility not about paying back a loan. Your right your not paying back a loan its appreciation for what they did for you. When did society become so damn selfish? i don't agree with a fake check just say you don't have it but if your parents need help provided they were a decent parent and maybe even if they weren't to an extent you should help them out. The World is becoming a sad miserable place.

pachecogirl 0

aww, i'm sorry, that sucks. how is this a YDI? wtf people!?

Maybe they are only 16? Maybe their parents never did anything and they were raised by their grandparents? Don't assume other's lives are like your life.

perdix 29

Why are you lending money to your parents? You should be giving it to them with a smile in your face and joy in your heart, you cheap, stingy, ungrateful bitch. The cost of raising a kid from 0-18 is now about a quarter of a million dollars, and then you have to add the cost of college! I pour everything I have into raising my daughter, and if down the road, she won't help out if I hit a bad patch, I'd probably shoot myself. So, cancel your parents' debt and find other ways to help them!

PedoBearSaysYES 0

lmfao yea cuz every parent pays for their kids collage. u know there's actually ppl out there who only have kids for the welfare checks? or to have the kids work when their of age so they don't have to? parents r not entitled to shit. and if they WERE good parents they wouldn't give him a fake check which could have gotten him in huge trouble. so maybe ur daughter should know u only had her so she could pay u back some day and not because u actually wanted a sweet child to care for and love. cuz as I recall if u love someone u don't ask them to pay u back for things u do because u love them.

perdix 29

I was being facetious before because (the extended version of "cuz" ;) ) I realize there are a lot of shit parents out there who don't deserve their kids pissing on them if they were on fire. I believe I have an obligation to support my daughter through college, and if she's smart enough to get into a graduate program, I'll help her through that, too. That's the way we do it in my family, but I realize that we are not necessarily typical.

Instant suck. Not only did your parents jip you, the bank thinks you're a criminal. And in America, Fox news will turn that into terrorism. I hope you get a money order, or briefcase of verified cash.

Ookami85 0

Damn, all these people talking about how ungrateful OP is. Maybe, just maybe, the parents promised to pay them back? Did anyone stop to consider that? I've done the same with my mom, lending her money and she tells me she'll pay me back, and usually does. I do forgive her debts a lot though, or take a portion and call it even. But that's just me.

Sorry OP, I know the situation sucks. In future, don't lend your parents money. I've lent my parents money, but I pretty much know not to expect it back... I know not to expect too much from my parents. OP, I guess you should do the same....

perdix 29

Me, too! But I'm confused how she got such huge pecs from lifting such small weights!