By AreYouSerious - 16/09/2018 22:00

Today, after working 85 hours in a single week, I finally got my paycheck. $500. Apparently I got a pay cut without anyone telling me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 166
You deserved it 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tiro1000 1

Where do you work!? Unless it's a place that pays you less than minimum wage because of tips, or a place where the minimum wage is less than $6 an hour; what happened is illegal. Check your pay stub, they may not have logged all your hours.

whiskey'swino 15


Assuming you make minimum wage ($7.25) and claimed one on your W2, you should have made $662.47. They shorted you over $100.

blightsight 10

Yes. I used to work at a job that likes to short it’s employees, so I’ve gotten real good at estimating paychecks.

will in az if it was exactly 500 that only about $7.40 per hour. that's horrible. whe do you work?

I'm pretty sure that's not legal. I would suggest checking into it instead of whining on here.