By Fairymyass - 17/07/2011 16:01 - United Kingdom

Today, an argument broke out between me, my girlfriend, and her sister. They were trying to convince me that not only were fairies real, but there were "scientific facts" that "prove" their existence. My girlfriend's 20 and her sister teaches primary school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 124
You deserved it 4 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments


nekrodoll 0

girls!?.... this is why man think were all dumb

LostNewYorker 0

does she believe in Santa too?

antunez0425 0
l33tcharlie 0

never underestimate the thought of all females

ryan41297 0

if faeries aren't real, I have nothing to believe in anymore.

fairies are real. mind u they are usually from San Francisco.

levifire 5

i believe in mythical creatures too there is no reason to ardue about whether they exist or not because its just like relidion there is no reason to argue about that

salsalover_12 5

duh fairies are real! if not then w ho was that fat guy wearing fairy wings and a pink shirt with a jar of teeth?!

cubancgar 0

dude I know a chick who says and I quote, "there are no such things as atoms." I've proven her wrong multiple times and she still thinks it's bs