By Fairymyass - 17/07/2011 16:01 - United Kingdom

Today, an argument broke out between me, my girlfriend, and her sister. They were trying to convince me that not only were fairies real, but there were "scientific facts" that "prove" their existence. My girlfriend's 20 and her sister teaches primary school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 124
You deserved it 4 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Isnt that what people say about god? what's the difference?

fairies? real? has this world succumb to stupidity?

Wait, you think fairies are not real?!? Wow, they only show themselves to believers so no WONDER you have never seen one.

They do exist, and I've caught one. It was the 9:12 departing Pier 3, and I have the ticket to prove it.

bastard, your killing fairies with your lies!! :'(

Fairies do exist...dey are trying to get marriage rights. Hahhaahah

That is a bit concerning, OP. One of my friend's friends who is studying to be a teacher tried to convince me that Australia, and not Russia, is the biggest country in the world. (Biggest in terms of area rather than population, I should say. And AU isn't even in the top five.) I worry for the the children these people will end up teaching.