By Fairymyass - 17/07/2011 16:01 - United Kingdom

Today, an argument broke out between me, my girlfriend, and her sister. They were trying to convince me that not only were fairies real, but there were "scientific facts" that "prove" their existence. My girlfriend's 20 and her sister teaches primary school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 124
You deserved it 4 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I think she may need to speak to a professional?

Doesn't Mr. Crokcer teach primary school, too?...

Oh, how the teacher's union is failing our youth.

the only farie you should belive in is the condom farie

pippacrawford 4

Screw you. While you were arguing, a dozen fairies fell out of the sky and died!

Don't reproduce plz cuz we don't need more of that gene pool

faggits fairies arent really neither are ghosts(which is just something called gravity bitches)

EpicFail1520 16

Tinker Bell would be SO proud.

Do (or did) they have a student by the name of Timothy Turner?