By aaaaahhhh - 06/04/2013 08:51 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, as a learner driver, I embarked on my longest drive ever: back home, from Sydney to Melbourne, which is around a 700km drive. I managed to get the whole way without any problems. I crashed into my driveway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 854
You deserved it 7 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Be glad it wasn't on the motorway and it wasn't serious...


I hope you took breaks after 2 hours because when you go to Vic roads to go for your P's they'll tell you off :( They didn't count it for my friend, she had to do more driving

Aaaaahhhh - Allianz insurance.. Those ads give me the *****.

This is why you take several breaks when doing a long drive so you don't get too tired. Also, as a learner driver, it helps if you have someone else with you that can take over if need be.

Not only is it recommended, it is required for learner drivers.

thank you OP, for using the metric system!

Australians don't know what miles are!

waynenight 4

how does one crash into a driveway?

waynenight 4

Just realized we posted nearly the same comment... but yeah I would really like to know how you crash into something that is part of the ground

gamegeek42 6

Im still trying to figure out how far 700 Kil is in miles

RocketNinjaFish 12

According to google, it's roughly 435 miles.

Most accidents happen within 5 miles of your home. That is why I moved.

I actually understand your pain so much!