By Anonymous - 05/02/2017 00:00 - Australia - South Yarra
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Instead of eating when you get stressed change that stress into eating. For example when you think of eating when you're stressed switch it to going to work out or go for a run.
If only it were that easy
Perhaps try to replace the food in your house then if you can't replace the cycle, an important part of losing weight isn't just workouts it's also diet changes. I'm not saying you need to starve yourself but rather than having a tempting bag of chips laying around, perhaps ditch the chips and buy some apples that you can replace them with. A nice small snack you can also have are celery with a little bit of peanut butter and extra points if you use low fat peanut butter. They have food like veggie sticks but I'm not sure how good those are for you and they definitely aren't as good as the real thing. Also don't forget to drink plenty of water, and don't overwork :) good luck with shedding those pounds, and don't let an eating cycle discourage you
I think this is the best advice, for a start, anyway. Replace the unhealthy foods with healthy ones, that way when you binge eat from stress you'll at least be eating healthy foods. Then see a doctor, because they can help you figure out a plan for exercise as well, and changing your other unhealthy habits. You're stressing because you're trying to do it alone, which is understandable because weight loss is a big and often scary road to travel, but you don't HAVE to do this alone. Doctors are there to help you. Good luck, OP, you can do this!
if by vegetable sticks you mean those vegetable straw snack food then those are not really good for you at all. they are basically potato chips (as in mostly made of potato.. mostly via potato starch and potato flour) flavored with vegetables... it does not replace actual vegetables at all. they are a snack food. as are all types of chips, vegetable chips or not. On a side note, as snacks go, vegetable straws aren't as bad as regular chips or cheetos or any of that ilk. They are around 135 calories per 28 g of straws... which is a higher serving size than most snack chips. though if going by solely serving size and calories, then baked lays are 120 calories per serving size. the best snack chips this article I read suggest was this brand called beanitos where a serving size was just 90 calories. these are all snacks though. not part of a balanced diet/meal. OP could also try drinking medimucil (sp?) before every meal to see if that helps curb their appetite. It could also help aide any digestive issues OP may have. I know the worse my diet is the more stomach problems I have... I honestly think what OP needs the most is a new way to deal with stress rather than eating to be honest. then they not only would eat less their relationship with food would be better in general and the issues within OP'S diet could be tackled easier when they don't always shrink away and eat away at the mention of needing to lose weight..they can be more proactive... in theory at least.
See a psychologist? Get to the bottom of why you do this? Then get a personal trainer. Cheaper said than done, I know.
well I know for me cutting fried food out as well as soda was a big one. if u don't like drinking tons of water buy juice and as water to it so it tastes good. also dark chocolate for the milk cause I have a awful addiction to chocolate. one last one is get a white board to stick on your fridge. whenever you make a healthy choice instead of a bad one put a tally mark. when you start seeing the tally marks add up it will make you feel awesome and that may help with the stress. I hope some of this was helpful
consider the fact that you are in control of your own body and you don't HAVE to eat when you're stressed
OR...People gotta remember that the brain is the most important ass organ. Mental issues exist and sometimes you have no control of your body whether you're aware or not. If your mental health is not well, it can affect your physical health. For example; let's say OP may possibly have a minor anxiety problem(mental health), which then lead OP to look for comfort in something(due to not knowing how to deal with stress healthily), unfortunately it was food which then lead to OP gaining weight(physical health). One thing to be in control of your physical body. This is more mental where it's a brain vs brain conflict, if that makes sense. Not as simple as you make it there.
Oh that's great, that must mean I don't HAVE to be depressed or suffer from bad anxiety! I just have to stop it!
The problem is the stress... instead of stressing about losing weight maybe redirect your efforts into eating more healthy foods. Also, exercise isn't going to make you lose the weight but it will make a huge difference to your mood. You don't need to do heaps - just do something you like or don't absolutely hate and keep it easy enough that you don't want to give up. Good luck.
Take up smoking.
Well stop it!
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Show it anywayIt's like they think losing weight and dieting is just easy for everyone else. I've spent my whole life trying to be healthy. It is a daily struggle and it takes hard work, but that is what I have to do to feel my best. If someone thinks it is too hard and doesn't even want to try, well, they will get exactly what they choose.
Agreed. It's called self control. I've got two different buddies. One was large and decided to start being productive and lost around 100 pounds. The other is lazy and is about 400

Perhaps try to replace the food in your house then if you can't replace the cycle, an important part of losing weight isn't just workouts it's also diet changes. I'm not saying you need to starve yourself but rather than having a tempting bag of chips laying around, perhaps ditch the chips and buy some apples that you can replace them with. A nice small snack you can also have are celery with a little bit of peanut butter and extra points if you use low fat peanut butter. They have food like veggie sticks but I'm not sure how good those are for you and they definitely aren't as good as the real thing. Also don't forget to drink plenty of water, and don't overwork :) good luck with shedding those pounds, and don't let an eating cycle discourage you
Instead of eating when you get stressed change that stress into eating. For example when you think of eating when you're stressed switch it to going to work out or go for a run.