By Snickerfritz - 20/09/2012 21:40 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, as I left work for the parking lot, I noticed two full trashbags duct-taped to my car. They were marked as my property. According to the note left on my windshield, my ex-roommate thought he'd be kind enough to bring my things to me to save me the trip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 962
You deserved it 2 206

Snickerfritz tells us more.

Snickerfritz 8

This is the OP. He did this because he propositioned sex to me every night when his girlfriend was out of town. I always said no and told him to gtfo. He kicked me out, so I told his girlfriend and showed her the texts.

Top comments

gczizza1997 15

Tape to his car a bill for any thing he broke to save him the trouble of having to come and get it


abceasyas123abc 12
holyshitbatman 20

if he's gonna act like that, he needs to update his relationship status as 'forever alone' because noone will want him

Obviously u r better off without him. U should try to find out what ticked him off though.. My roommate did the same thing so ik what's it like to feel betrayed by the person u see every day :/ good luck OP

Well- he saved you the trip, so who cares? Maybe the OP was a dick to live with!

mufasa1026 6

Ahhhh. That's so considerate of him :D

HeyArnold91 8

Well can't really judge your ex roommate until I know what you did...just sayin'...

If the duct tape screwed up the paint job on your car at all, you can file a vandalism report on his obnoxious ass.