By Flipside - 02/05/2009 00:46 - United States

Today, as I was driving home, I saw a woman get hit by a car. I immediately parked on the side of the road to assist her. I called an ambulance and stayed with her until they came to get her, comforting her all the while. When I returned to my car, I found a parking ticket in my windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 112 732
You deserved it 6 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aupilot 0

There is usually a process by which you can contest the ticket. You MIGHT be able to get out of it since it was an emergency.


i agree with #4 when the lady gets out of the hospital you should keep in touch and talk to the police about that and let her explain along with your story.

haha , why do bad things happen to good people ? no seriously man , you should state the stroy in cort , don't pay 100$ for doing the right thing

bananaface7 0

fight it, you'll probably win.

Soo not an FML. You helped a lady YAY! But you got a

who cares about the ticket? you did the right thing, now you'll feel really good inside

pmel_fml 0

Challenge the ticket if you care enough to do so, judges have definitely thrown out parking tickets for much less than that.

chococool223 0