By AtLeastThereWasAParamedic - 02/03/2017 20:00

Today, I was walking on the sidewalk near my house when a car pulled out of a parking spot in front of a speeding ambulance. The ambulance swerved up onto the grass. Yes, I broke my arm after being hit by an ambulance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 924
You deserved it 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's sad you broke your arm, not to mention another emergency was delayed, by ignorant driver. Best wishes and heel well.

alternative-facts 6

Hey, look on the bright least there was an ambulance *right* there to take you to the hospital for your broken arm!


alternative-facts 6

Hey, look on the bright least there was an ambulance *right* there to take you to the hospital for your broken arm!

Actually no if that ambulance is involved in the accident then they have to wait for a different ambulance

But paramedics would still be on scene instantly

Not true. If there is an MCI, one rig can carry two patients. As long as both are not in critical condition ?

It's sad you broke your arm, not to mention another emergency was delayed, by ignorant driver. Best wishes and heel well.

Cirrus1 2

Hope car got caught and ticket

nattlecakes 19

Ambulance accidents actually aren't uncommon. Although the drivers are trained in how to handle the vehicle others often don't know how to behave near them or don't hear their sirens to know to stay put

nattlecakes 19

Sorry you got hurt as an innocent bystander though op! Best wishes and heal well

That's the main part of our training. Be defensive. Everyone on the road becomes complete idiots who have never driven a car before once an emergency vehicle shows up. Easiest thing to do, pull to the right, and stop. Or in this case, don't pull out of the road you're on

I saw one recently, it looked like a car was turning into a junction and the ambulance was on the wrong side of the road going past traffic, the ambulance T boned the car and the driver was completely out of it.

That must've been an awkward ride to the hospital for you and the driver.

man that really sucks, i mean even thou im sure you guys had to wait for another ambulance at least they could tell you what to do with your arm tell they got there