By Anonymous - 26/10/2011 07:41 - United States

Today, as I was driving to work, I witnessed a kid apparently getting jumped. Being a good citizen, I got out and started yelling at them. I ended up alongside the kid in the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 886
You deserved it 4 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw thanks for trying though. It's good to see!

You did the right thing, don't worry about it. Karma/fate/God/whatever you want to call it, will take care of the jumper.


WestSide_Boii 0

i would of yelled from the car.

who would even think about saying you totally deserved it? thats just wrong

Lesson learned. Don't go out helping other kids you see being jumped.

Well score one for the nonexistence of karma

happychicka 0

Aww OP! Your so nice!!!!!!! :)

Meghanboo18 0

Aww well good thing you tried to help him :/

soccerdragon1991 0

I think u did what ever a kind hearted person would do

PeppaParis 14

At least you can ease your conscience by knowing you tried to help :S