By windsoffate - 09/06/2016 16:46 - United States - Portland

Today, as I was getting ready for work, I heard a noise almost like someone was puking all over the bathroom floor. When I went to check, my 14-year-old son was puking all over the bathroom floor. The toilet, however, was pristine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 643
You deserved it 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he didn't make it in time? That does happen.

I'd hate to see how bad he aims when he pees.


Aren't you more concerned about why he's vomiting rather than where?

catanita 18

When it comes it comes. You do not have the time to hold it until you reach a safe place to puke.

For what it's worth, vomiting on the floor isn't the most comfortable thing for the person doing it, either. For one, the angle is awkward and make it hurt more. Being on the floor for an entire vomit-fest can cause serious leg and back pain. Vomit tends to spread, meaning that if your on the ground, it is going to get to your legs and absorb into your pants at the least. Vomiting also causes muscles to not cooperate, and that means you spend the entire time fighting your bodies desire to go slack, because if you do you are going to go facedown in a pile or puddle of vomit. The angle means more of it gets in your sinuses and stomach acid -which is in vomit, obviously- burns. And everything that gets stuck up there is going to cause a sinus infection. There's also the fact that not making it to a toilet, sink, or trashcan with no holes is embarrassing even as an adult. Considering that he's a teenager and they almost default to embarrassed or ashamed, it's gonna be compounded. He's your kid- you kind of signed up for at least 18 years of bodily excretions, accidents, and messes when you kept him.

Hey, once less thing to clean am I right? You must know what it's like to vomit since you were pregnant with him.

I feel your pain, my daughter vomits everywhere except the toilet when she's sick. Last time, she ran past 2 toilets and a trash can, then threw up on the floor beside my bed. But she's 7, not 14.

khiiirsty 14
kingdomgirl94 29

My fiancé is a grown man and he got violently ill as a reaction to a medication. He threw up in the bathtub instead of the toilet. Once when I had a really bad flu as a kid, I threw up in the sink. Especially if you're asleep when you suddenly need to hurl, your mental faculties aren't at their sharpest. Your brain gets all super ****** as you're running and choosing "toilet" isn't as easy as it should be.

The next step is to get your significant other to sympathy puking.

At a time this wouldn't it be better to be more concerned about your son than the bathroom floor?

There are times when I've had to puke and haven't made it to the toilet in time. However, as it usually comes in waves, so to speak, I do have time to get to the toilet before the next heave. (Sorry to be gross, guys, but this is a vomit post.) Hope your son is okay, OP.