By vet1 - 11/07/2013 15:18 - South Africa - Pretoria

Today, as part of my veterinary degree, I had to demonstrate how to jerk off a dog in front of my entire class. Afterwards, the lecturer said that I have the 'magic touch'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 638
You deserved it 7 355

Top comments

Wtf did I just read? You had to toss off a dog?

I'm trying to figure out when you would actually need to know how to do this...


**** that, tell the dog,to jerk himself off, you can however offer to get him a tissue at the end.

The reason you need to learn this is mostly for breeding. Such as artificial insemination, seamen analysis, and other various tests.

If anyone thinks this is bad, people at SeaWorld used to use a cow ****** filled with hot water to ********** whales. Now they just train them to roll over and take it.

This is what you signed up for. Deal with it.

I'm seriously thinking that you just got MAJORLY trolled by your professor..

Nope, some people who are going to have vet-related jobs need to collect animal semen for breeding, if I remember correctly.

Alesanabel 9

Well, glad I found this out before spending thousands of dollars on vet school.

I guess your teacher can say . . . you come in handy!

Narelon 12

Here's a degree I'm glad I never took.

LilFlutter 10

That's one way to do it doggy style....