By Dulok Warrior Princess - 10/09/2018 19:30 - United States - New York

Today, at gym class, coach placed the boys on an "advanced level" rope climb by having a girl cling on their back. I got paired with my crush. As he climbed, we were trailing behind so I cheered for him to go faster. He loudly responded, "Why don't you go on a diet!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 461
You deserved it 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This seems like a really weird thing to happen in gym class..

You should have asked him why can't he be stronger.


You should have asked him why can't he be stronger.

This seems like a really weird thing to happen in gym class..

I had a gym teacher that did birthday spankings. Anything is possible!

tounces7 27

Yeah things that were normal back then would probably qualify as a sort of harassment these days.

Or, don’t lose weight and crush him, literally.

Skylar 1

Oh..he doesn't get girl's mind.You deserve better

This sounds like it’s from a tv show or something. Things like this don’t happen in PE in schools.

I am guessing he was probably joking and I wouldn't worry about it. I would be far more concerned with that 'advanced level's thing. it seems very sexist and frankly weird. It can't be good for a boy's back to carry a girl up a rope so he could be damaging them, and if they fell and landed on top of each other it could be a real problem. not to mention he is getting you two to touch a lot and it is perpetuating the stereotype of the 'strong' male and the female can't do anything and should just let the man do all the work. I think you should complain to the headteacher.

<i>"it is perpetuating the stereotype of the 'strong' male and the female can't do anything and should just let the man do all the work." </i> ... really? It's weird enough that they're making the boy's rope-climb more challenging by using the girls as... self-adjusting deadweight (they can't afford weighted vests?), and you have to go make it weirder by bring in feminist literary criticism? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, dude!

This definitely is a private school they don't follow public school systems rules or alot of common Sense either 🙄

Tell him get bigger muscles and stop being a whimp

Should've licked his ear and said "I like you, I'll eat you last"