By ColoradoGirl420 - 24/03/2014 18:53 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, at my job as a bouncer at a music venue, a guy got his nose broken in a rowdy mosh pit. When I went to help him up and see if he was okay, he said, "It was an accident, please don't kick me out," but the word "please" came out as a hot spray of his blood across my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 645
You deserved it 3 449

ColoradoGirl420 tells us more.

Hey All. I did immediately go wash up once I confirmed that he was okay, he thought I was going to kick him out for moshing, I don't think he realized quite yet that his nose was broken, he was pretty drunk. And I am a chick, not a dude :) I get tested regularly anyway, but he and I did have a conversation after he went and cleaned himself up too. I explained that I was worried about disease and he looked positively horrified at the thought and insisted that he was clean. But I did get checked, came back all good. And I love my job, it's only part time, I only work the big shows, been doing it for a while and this is the only time this has ever happened to me. It didn't scare me off like my boss thought it would when he saw me marching off in a huff to the ladies room to clean myself up! lol

Top comments

RenoTheRhino 30

You better get yourself checked for diseases if it got in your mouth! Good luck!

Should've learned to say it, not spray it


OhDamnItsNik 4

i know how ya feel OP. did loss prevention and got into shit loads of fights and people always spitting blood... be prepared when someone pulls a weapon i have a guy in jail for life for pulling a knife on me so i put his face into the ground. .

Well at least it was only blood?? I went to see Bring Me the Horizon and Of Mice & Men on Friday and some drunk guy passed out in a mosh pit and in the few seconds that he was awake he threw up on the bouncer. Still, that's really gross. Especially if it was hot blood.

cool! sorry im a big fan of gore and would have loved to have seen it.

I hope you didn't kick the poor guy out after that, OP. Some bouncers can be real dicks like that. :(

ema_stonez 19

Hey All. I did immediately go wash up once I confirmed that he was okay, he thought I was going to kick him out for moshing, I don't think he realized quite yet that his nose was broken, he was pretty drunk. And I am a chick, not a dude :) I get tested regularly anyway, but he and I did have a conversation after he went and cleaned himself up too. I explained that I was worried about disease and he looked positively horrified at the thought and insisted that he was clean. But I did get checked, came back all good. And I love my job, it's only part time, I only work the big shows, been doing it for a while and this is the only time this has ever happened to me. It didn't scare me off like my boss thought it would when he saw me marching off in a huff to the ladies room to clean myself up! lol

I would be more empathetic if ur username wasn't bloody hell