By power corrupts... - 07/08/2011 20:29 - Czech Republic

Today, at my job as a movie theater attendant, my boss finally eased up and let me sit in on one of the movies. One woman kept laughing out loud every other line. After ten minutes of her braying like a dying horse, I got up and had her ejected from the theater. I'm a terrible person. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 066
You deserved it 12 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

balex_fml 0

Hey that's not bad. It's very annoying when people talk in the movies!

No you are not i would've done it too


reddawn85 8

No, you're a hero for the common folk. If it was enough to bother you, I'm sure you weren't alone

reddawn85 8

No, you're a hero for the common folk. If it was enough to bother you, I'm sure you weren't alone

Do you realize that your job is not to sit on your ass watching movies? If you didn't nag your boss to watch movies on your shift none of this would have happened.

You are not a terrible person, you are a hero to those who want to watch and enjoy the movie in peace.

The last line is stupid. How is your life F'd because you were too lazy to get up?

Bsilver4000 2
IamMiguelco 0

Not really is your job is either that or you getting fire

ryanst 7

77- There's this wonderful word I would like to introduce you to, his name is "It's."

Well no movie is that funny not to mention that if she annoyed you then she most likely annoyed everyone in there. You did yourself amd them A service

You aren't a terrible person for doing what you did. I'm pretty sure everyone one else in that theatre would agree. So good job for making just about everyone happy ;)

Its sad that you missed part of the movie, especially if its a good one. But getting to kick out annoying/rude/obnoxious people is the fun part of working at a theater so enjoy it.