By Username - 30/04/2011 08:51 - United Kingdom

Today, at the age of 17, I had my first kiss with the girl I've liked for over a year. However, it was a stage kiss and the girl has made it clear that she finds me repulsive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 617
You deserved it 4 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoSmokes 10

I had my first kiss at 17. Who honestly gives a crap?


needsagf14 12

well tell her that the kiss was horrible and she's defiantly not worth your time...

carebearzrule 0

I had my first kiss when I was eleven....fyl...was the girl ugly or pretty? cause if she's ugly fyl AGAIN for liking her just sayin

YouReallyDeserve_fml 0

I can tell someone's getting some....

wickedlyevil96 0
tbonea1990 0

well u were happy so good job and break a leg

nater535 7

Wtf. how could you like someone like that?

NecromancerA7X 0

well I'm almost 17 and haven't had my first hug yet lol