By Noname - 05/03/2009 19:44 - Canada

Today, at the dentist, I was getting my teeth cleaned. Looking up at his nose, I saw runny snot dripping onto his lip. I tried to slowly move away. He told me "Stop!" The movement of his lips caused the snot to fall right into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 537 606
You deserved it 53 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xelectrickiss 0

im gagging. seriously, nasty.


this is fake...... Dentists wear masks....

jackles111 0

Anyone cleaning your teeth would wear a mask. So you're either lying, or it did happen and you can now sue your dentist for all he's worth. Neither constitutes an FML.

not necessarily, my dentist never wore a mask. i don't think they do in the UK.

they might not in the UK but this is Canada dammit and my dentist always wears a mask so i agree with jackles111 either you're lying or you should sue his ass!!

I wouldn't slowly move away, I would first jump up and tell him what shit is coming out of his nose. And not all dentists wear masks... . . mine didn't. Her breathe was horrible D:

Listerine that bitch up the use alchohol if you have to. Then just throw up until satisfied.

MonkOManJP47 0

All the people who work in your mouth do wear masks this is fake dental hygienists wear masks and so do the dentists when they work in your mouth they dont have to when they do the cavity checks but also the masks go over the nose to so this is a lie and fake

Mac10nikka 0

mmmmm was is good? lol ur falt for not telling him ,, YDI

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD EWWWWWWWWWWWW i hope that never happens to me, since i visit the dentist so much, now whenever i go ima be looking at his nose XD