By teach - 05/02/2009 00:40 - Canada

Today, at the elementary school where I teach, the kids all voted for their favorite teacher. I was the only one to receive zero votes. When I asked a small group of students why no one voted for me, one boy replied "because you're the ugliest". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 840
You deserved it 4 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kids can be so sincere that hurts sometimes. hope you can deal with the situation in a good way...


u noe wat they r alwayz honest with that stuff

haha ydi for being too hard to look at

jdawg2010 0

10 votes from me! it's sad, because the teachers that usually get the least votes are the sweetest ones! don't worry- they will get it back one day!

kitten123456 0

you probably actually teach and make them do work... I say good job! and make their next test hard as hell

22cute 17

I'm sorry. Kids can be so cruel sometimes. I'm a teacher too. I know how tough it is, but you're doing a wonderful thing.

This reminds me of the time no one clapped for me at graduation even though over people got tons of claps.

nollid7 5

She at least got an honest answer. LOL

It still would hurt, regardless of their age I reckon. Don't worry about it :)