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By sophie - 13/04/2011 16:36 - United States

Today, my teacher told me I wasn't pretty enough to play the princess part in the play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 796
You deserved it 5 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everybody knows that it is impossible for a princess to be ugly. I mean, if you're rich and powerful you HAVE to be pretty.

nillakush1 3


Autoshot 9


LunaNstars 0

that's clever. and poor OP. :(

Flyin_Turtle14 0
Finn_the_human 5

Don't you see princess? WE WERE ALL BORN TO DIE!

Flyin_Turtle14 0

I though they would block it but I guss not

that's rough perhaps your just too smart to play the princess :)

scar97 0

1- **** up and post a real comment. it's really annoying when the first poster has nothing good to say...

staceysgenesis16 0

ooo thats a good idea .. a hint of piss n sugar in her coffe

"...princesses ARE evil. The way they get that power is they kill people."

C6Racer 0

MissBunny, she should menstruate in her coffee instead.

Ewwww! How disgusting. The thought of sugar in her coffee?!?

NoHabloEspaniol 2
SwaggerMelon 6

Wait? Why would be playing a princess? How old are you?

Nuclear_Ninja 6
enonymous 8

It's ok I'd hit it... want a mustache ride?

enonymous 8

Yes I am. creeping every night and on all genders.

nutsackmuscle 0
holymolybro 0

.....I bet you listen to cold play..

SpilltMilk2 0
staceysgenesis16 0

haha !! hide it n ride it lmao

maybe OP you should committ suicide and everything will be fine :]

Everybody knows that it is impossible for a princess to be ugly. I mean, if you're rich and powerful you HAVE to be pretty.

It's obvious she shouldn't be a princess if she doesn't have the look for it. Every bad movie and play out there would be either the acting sucked or the actors/actresses just didn't fit the part. Why this is even an FML is beyond me. OP sucked for the part; she needs to get over it and audition for a role she Can play.

completed agreed I just she broke it to her nicely

kingtz 6

Yes, audition to play the evil witch or ogress.

mandalore92 0

16 I got moderated for that kind of talk by the FML Nazis. watch yo self

#4 have you ever SEEN the queen, how do you explain THAT?!?

she's one bad hair cut shy of being Susan Boyle? god save the queen because surely noone else will......

I am confused as to whether your avatar is a girl or boy with long hair. FYL with that picture. Oh. And try not to post such a moronic comment if you won't handle such a comment that I made in due-respect to yours.

mygreenhoodie 0

I think it's a pic of a guy with hair only on the sides with a baby's face photoshopped on. Odd...

if she is ugly, then no sex. no sex = no child inside her.

OK 71, now try adding alcohol to your equation. Ugly people need lovin too ^_~

9 that was a stupid thing to say you ish.

nillakush1 3
ImaWiseGuy 5

perhaps she is, but not gorgeous enough to play the princess.....<-her teachers words not mine.......

txgirl2013 14

get a mirror and say "you have no room to talk...". even if she is pretty she has a ugly attitude

melbadelb 0

I'm sorry to be off topic but seriously that is the cutest dog I have ever seen in my life & just made my day . I really would love to be able to pick that dog up & give it a hug .

ImaWiseGuy 5

isn't that dog like a maltipoo or something?

MegamiKaosu 28
jvillan87 5

I like how Shi tsu is like shit zoo

jvillan87 5

I like how Shi tsu is like shit zoo