By Weddingbelles - 12/09/2016 15:52 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, at the end of my 10-hour shift, my manager made me count exactly how many business cards were left in inventory before I could leave. She didn't believe me when the number came to exactly 3000. She made me count them all again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 293
You deserved it 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's that important, and she didn't believe you the first time, you should've requested that she verify the quantity herself. *Sigh*... not that a smart-ass jab like that would help your relationship with that jerk, but having you count thousands of business cards twice at the end of your day just sounds like she's trying to push your buttons.

friedpwnadge 25

Sounds like an asshole on a power trip. Did she state why it was so important to count them? Was it part of your job? That honestly sounds like abuse to me.


So you work a 10 hr shift and then she forces you to stay and do something extra that's not an emergency and can be done the next shift, why wouldn't you say no? They can't fire you for not staying beyond your scheduled shift

This is when you break out in that great old song, "Take This Job and Shove It." For her to shove 3000 business cards where the sun don't shine will take about 10 hours. And then you are even.

Do you know the weight method? You count 100 business cards and put them on a letter scale. So after you have learned the weight of 100 business cards, you can easily find out the number of any stack of business cards by simply weighting them. Much easier, much faster and very accurate. I hope your boss is willing to let you practice a new method.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

People who don't accept the truth want to be lied to.

Put them in piles of ten or 100 then she can have visual proof that you had that total...but after that Long of a shift that should be an acceptable answer...

Take one, hold it up to their eye level, and light it on fire. Then say, "sorry, my mistake. It was 2999." Then go home.

u should be looking for a career change some time within those 10 hrs

If you shift is over and you're off the clock then unless there's something you've left out, she can't make you stay and do extra work. With a lack of details, I'm leaning to you deserved it, but I do know some bosses can be scary power abusing jackasses.

Psych0path77 4

I have a question why the hell does it matter how many business cards are left? that seems to me to be a redundant task to put someone on and pay over time for if they did at all.