By one sorry mom - 05/09/2017 04:31

Today, at the mall, my 4-year-old son threw up on a man's shoes. When he approached me, I immediately machine-gun mouthed him in public. The man apparently is a doctor and concernedly said that my son may have a rare gastric disease based on the puke. I got him checked, and he's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 913
You deserved it 7 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate mothers like you. What need was there to go off on some poor dude who just got thrown up on? Ydi.

I'd call you a **** but you have not the warmth, the depth of character, nor the capacity to ever give pleasure.


the_schnook 3

You are exactly what's wrong with society at this point. A sense of entitlement and no accountability. There's another "little prince" that's going to grow up thinking that it's everyone else's fault and that he can do no wrong. You're pathetic.

Isa_fml 20

You went off on him because your child made a mess? I understand it's stressful having a sick kid, but what the hell is your problem? This poor man did nothing wrong. Kudos to him for helping. He certainly didn't have to, especially after you treated him like garbage. I hope you thanked him, apologised PROFUSELY, and maybe got him a new pair of shoes for his trouble.