By Anonymous - 22/05/2010 00:19 - United States

Today, at the pool, I tried to impress the hot lifeguard by doing the perfect dive. Afterward, I realized my shorts were floating through the water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 692
You deserved it 12 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hawkie409 0


perdix 29

Was there significant shrinkage?

I've been a lifeguard, and for me, I really couldn't give a shit if there were hot guys there impressing me [not that anyone would], I was more concerned keeping an eye on everyone in the pool, making sure people didn't, ya know drown instead of seeing if there were hot guys. YDI for thinking a lifeguard would ignore their job duties [of making sure people didn't die] and pay attention to you.

My cousins almost let me die while they were on lifeguard duty because they were looking at hot guys. I was 4 and my dad had to jump in after me.

well u could have impressed her.... if she likes small d*cks. :P

YDI for being an idiot. What makes you think that is on anyone's list of qualities they want in a potential date: must dive perfectly?

perdix 29

Most male divers are gay anyways. Hopefully, he's not trying to achieve perfect window treatments or triple lutzes to impress women.

blackllama 0

who the **** modded this?!?!

"Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin' like a FOOL with yo' pants on the ground....." More like shorts in the pool..... :) haha judging by the fact that he put this as an fml, he didnt impress her.

damn!! somebody already said that!! dammit:(