By what's a rimjob between friends? - 06/09/2013 21:42 - United States - Boston

Today, at Walmart, a woman kept screaming at her husband for the most ridiculous reasons. My friend snickered that she must be on her period, prompting her to whirl around, storm over, and slap the hell out of me, thinking I was the one who said it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 097
You deserved it 4 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Literally the definition of being in the wrong place at the wrong time

Throw some chocolate at her, maybe that will calm the beast!


ok ik i already said something but again u shoulda gotten her bak even though not the best thing u shoulda gotten her back

That's when you do an over dramatic fall, knocking things over and off some shelves to cause a big scene.

My question for you is...why your username is about rimjobs

I must say the whole thinking periods cause women to go batshit crazy thing is seriously annoying. Yes, some women get temperamental but that kinda insanity is its own breed. That being said, I'd hate to see her on her period...

That's battery, call the police. Idc if you're on your period or not, that's bullshit

Clearly the she slapped you silly seeing as you gave your account that name.

Wintermelons 19

Law suit time! But you have to make sure you get it done in a certain time period!