By bakerysux - 23/12/2014 01:21 - United States - San Antonio

Today, at work, a customer cried because the cake I made her was not "exactly" the same as the display. I'm the one who made the display and it was the same but the display cake had faded a bit, since it had been there for a month. I'd mentioned this to the customer when she placed the order. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 557
You deserved it 2 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fads are so weird. First people were wearing faded jeans and now they want faded cakes too? SMH

Sell her the display cake... It's obviously as bright as she is.


ghostBuster000 4

"exactly" means not exactly. Putting speech marks around something is not emphasis on that word. It indicates that the word inside the speech marks is not the correct word for whatever is actually being described.

linnie_wesker 20

'quoting' in those marks, is used when it's not the right word, you mean a different one, etc. I learned that in 7th grade. Maybe you should've paid better attention in school?

The joys of working in Customer Service. I feel your pain. Sorry OP.

cookie1207 19

I also do cakes... People can be such idiots. My favorite is the: I know you charge x amount of money for this cake... But could you do it cheaper? Sorry OP!

That happened to me today at the bakery I work at! Nobody mentions how hard it is working at a bakery during the holidays

nitrog100 21

So was her problem with it that the display cake was more of a pastel tone? I used to work in a bakery, and I never really had any problems with fading.