By ihatemyjob - 12/09/2010 07:23 - Canada

Today, at work, an elderly lady came up to the cash register with a flyer in her hand, and asked if we had a certain item. I told her we did not have any left, and we would be getting more next week and if she wanted, I could give her a rain check. She hit me in the face with her purse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 172
You deserved it 2 780

Same thing different taste


KarinaLizeth18 5

lmao! Priceless mental image!! xD

you best give the old lady what she wants...

thaprince1226 0

always be ready to duck when old people approach you, they always attack when you least expect it! YDI! :p

bahahahaha I could so see some people doing that to me while I'm at work :P xD that's hilarious!

KingDingALing 9

OP- Tell her that she's just mad because her ****** is old, wrinkly, and used up.

24 if you weren't retarded and learned how to read, you would notice at the top that it says the op is Canadian. leave it to an American to come up with the idea of suing as the first fix to a problem.

energo 0

"Yeah, only AMERICANS are bigoted! Only Americans do X! I'm so awesome because I don't stereotype or look down on people like an AMERICAN would!" People who talk like that (and I'm not referring to all non-Americans, before someone accuses me of that) are hypocrites.

But this is one of the situations in which a lawsuit would actually be a reasonable response. How can you expect to be able to reason with a person who has just assaulted you physically?

apoll 0

keep her in the store, call cops. profit. ??

does the OP work at Canadian tire? cuz the same thing happened to me last week haha

UofLCardFan08 6

Please learn to read. #24 said "If you're American you could sue" which means the he/she knows the poster is not American.

who does that?!?! i mean ... aside from the elderly. >.>

You have to consider that the rest of us have knuckledusters and baseball bats.

People will always find a reason, darling...

I haven't voted yet but the other side of the coin here is that there's definitely some story missing. Maybe OP intentionally left out something they did to provoke them?

MaryJane209 0

aww FYL! i would of lost my job bcuz of her, cuz i would of hit her right back >:O

sdman923 0
overthelimit 3

fyl, OP. you were polite and all you got was a purse to your face. i smell a bitch.