By sparky83000 - 29/10/2015 20:51 - Canada

Today, at work on a construction site, my coworker dropped a small piece of metal from 4 stories, and it struck another worker. We quickly began to climb down to see if the person was OK, and the same coworker dropped a metal pole, and crushed my hand, two minutes after the first accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 169
You deserved it 1 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

_taylorharper_ 18

I'm convinced he's dropping things on purpose

******* hell, looks like they need some more training. Or gloves with suction pads.


snarkytruth 37

If the crew even slightly suspects he did it on purpose he might find himself the next thing dropped off the 4th floor!

Le_ponderer 14

Just like surgeons, builders need steady hands. Maybe construction is not his recommended field of work... either that or he should be part of a demolition crew (he seems to do that pretty well!). Feel better OP and I hope you get to keep all your fingers.

nameisname 12

First time it was accidental but when he thought he had killed he wanted to get rid of witnesses

Is your co worker named butterfingers? If not well he probably will be.

Boss, from now on I work on the same floor or higher than THAT guy!!! --->

It would make more sense if this was in Florida.

Sometimes workplace safety an employment termination go hand in hand. Hope you heal up ok, OP.

ShirtlessWonder 17

When you say crushed your hand, do you mean literally crushed it and you lost a hand?