By Anonymous - 22/05/2013 05:38 - United States - Livingston

Today, due to my allergies I can't stop sneezing. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for my hemorrhoids making each sneeze feel like I'm getting a cactus shoved up my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 198
You deserved it 3 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

greeneyesFTWlol 8

My booty just tightened up from reading this.

I guess either your nose regrets what your ass does, or your ass regrets what your nose does.


dodzin 9

You need a proctorhinologist.

I don't know what to tell you about your allergies, but for your other problem, try fresh aloe vera gel applied directly to the affected area. That, a high fiber diet and tucks witch hazel pads are your best friends.

itsjaliciaa 5


RVAriverRAT88 9

They have a cream to help that, try it out

I really hope I don't get hemorrhoids

Mf2307 15

bless you that must suck that your hemorrhoids make u feel like that