By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, due to the cold, windy weather, I decided to wear my brand-new cute (and expensive) jacket that has a faux-fur hood. As I walked down the street, numerous PETA members attacked me with red liquid. I'm a Vegan and an animal-rights activist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 946
You deserved it 25 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeithHarris 0

Serves you right for wearing fake animals. Next time wear the real thing so you'll at least deserve getting pelted with fake animal blood. :-D PETA members are dicks.

whats with the red liquids lately? well, PETA is a bit extreme, but they shouldn't be going around bombarding people with red liquids!


#56 we are not lions, we are not meant to ******* kill a cow by just trying to break into its flesh with our teeth while its just standing there. thats just ******* stupid. we are humans...what do you think the ancient humans did, the people that just came out of caves and started hunting. they made primitive tools, killed an animal with that, and did eat the damn thing raw. they didnt know how to cook an animal right away. so yes we are meant to eat flesh. in fact, if those anicent humans didnt eat red meat, we wouldnt be the way we are today. how about you try doing some research. red meat gave us the protein to make our brains develop, without it, we wouldnt be the same humans we are today. and no, plants and shit would not have worked the same way, they did eat plants also, but without the animals we would not have developed the same.

you should have yelled at them and said exactly what you said here! maybe then they would feel terrible and change their meddling busybody ways and learn to live and let live, o and mind their own business...and yes you should call the cops, and you have the right to wear faux fur even if you are into animal rights, it's fashion, geez people

What the ****? PETA people are getting ******* pathetic. Fair enough if they want to protest against real fur, KFC and everything else.. but now they're actually attacking people with red liquid? You can barely tell the difference between real and fake fur which makes them ******* arrogant losers. I support their petition against the seal clubbing, and wearing real fur in general But they are taking it way too far.. you can't just wreck someone's clothes.. you should/should have pressed charges. Also, to the people having a bitch about OP wearing a fake fur coat.. get a grip! PETA are the people who should be PROMOTING fake fur! #124 pretty much sums that up.

acidcat 0

YDI - as you're an "animal rights activist". I respect the vegan thing. You don't want to see animals dead, so you stop eating them. Animal rights activist - if that means you try and stop medicines being tested on animals - you deserve all you get. Any of you PETA freaks out there - by all means promote vegetarian/veganism: we have good alternatives to meat. Ditto fur/leather - plenty of good synthetics/cotton/silk. We don't have any good alternatives that work for testing medicines on animals (other than you stepping up to the plate and testing them for toxicity on yourself - computer modelling will never work, tissue culture doesn't work), so if you're stopping medical animal testing, you are responsible for potentially killing many people prematurely.

PyreBorn 0

@#135 That law says that it only has to have less than $150 in real fur to be labeled, and in terms of Dog fur, that goes a long way. and I still agree with #1, you have no idea if you are wearing faux fur or not, so why risk it!

rowanneee 0

uhm, it's not her fault if she was wearing faux fur? faux fur doesn't represent real fur, or else it WOULD BE real fur. faux fur just means that you like the style, but don't feel that it's worth killing animals over. there's NO WAY you could say this is her fault. really? number 6? "how are PETA members supposed to know if it's fake"? THEY'RE NOT. they shouldn't be going around damaging other peoples' stuff in the first place, because they assume stuff like this and then look like assholes. this girl didn't do anything wrong. PETA's just being over-extreme assholes who get no respect from anyone because they're so irresponsible with how they handle things.

I'd call the police on those idiots. That's just freaking rude and disrespectful. Yeah, meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder. >:}

PETA is the scum of the earth. They're juvenile and brutal tactics do nothing but tarnish the name of animal activists that don't resort to the same kind of bullshit. They should be criminalized.

More blood pouring? Has no one watched 'Carrie'!!??!? SHE'LL KILL YOU WITH HER POWER >

PETA are ******* terrorists and they should be shot. **** them i have nothing against vegetarians, vegans, and people who choose to waste their life protecting animals, but PETA goes too ******* far and they need to be stopped. they are ******* hypocrites and they publicly humiliate and attack civilians because they choose to wear things that resemble animal fur. their whole 'meat is murder' campaign is ******* retarded. Lions kill slower and weaker animals and eat them. So do eagles, owls, snakes, spiders, and every motherfucking animal high enough on the food chain to open their mouth and consume another creature. mankind has figured out ways of mechanizing and expediently killing animals to provide nourishment for ourselves. **** peta, **** everything about them.