By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, due to the cold, windy weather, I decided to wear my brand-new cute (and expensive) jacket that has a faux-fur hood. As I walked down the street, numerous PETA members attacked me with red liquid. I'm a Vegan and an animal-rights activist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 946
You deserved it 25 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeithHarris 0

Serves you right for wearing fake animals. Next time wear the real thing so you'll at least deserve getting pelted with fake animal blood. :-D PETA members are dicks.

whats with the red liquids lately? well, PETA is a bit extreme, but they shouldn't be going around bombarding people with red liquids!


i'm sure from this long pose that it's already said and done, but: 1. Break PETA's member's faces. 2. Serves you right. You support animal rights but you are willing to pay a lot of money for the fur look?

deni_kaos 0

i am vegan too, but i would never wear faux fur. not because it promotes fur, but because fur, real or not, is just tacky. it is messed up what PETA supposedly did (i know a great bunch of PETA members, and frequent for info on what is and is not vegan) and i believe red paint throwing went out in the 80's after they started getting in boatloads of trouble for it. i think i am gonna have to call zombie BS on this one.

ozymandias_fml 0

This is indeed a great FYL -- at least it is easy to fix. They sell meat in stores these days, and at almost every restaurant. Within 15 minutes, you can get that Veganism cleared right up!

PETA eat dick You didn't deserve that.

morgan_5230 0

aww, I hate PETA. they're so ridiculous.

that_guy01 0

PETA sucks. I would have lost my shit if i'd have been pelted by red liquid, especially by PETA. Somebody was losing teeth.

This is why PETA is worthless as an organization. They really have no idea what they're doing.

if your a vegan why on earth would you wear even fake fur? i'm vegitarian also and i dont wear fake fur because it still supports fur as a trend. YDI.