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Freaked out

By Anonymous - 15/08/2010 05:24 - United States

Today, my mom called me to the laundry room after she saw a dead animal in there. I took a look and agreed we should call animal control. After ten minutes of freaking out, they finally arrived to confirm that the dead animal was the hood to my winter jacket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 230
You deserved it 42 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Why would you call animal control? We country folk would take a shovel, scoop it up and toss it's ass in the woods. Or, you could have a lot of fun and wait until dinner time and put the animal in a tarp, along with some random objects, (just to make it appear to be larger) tie it up and drag it out into your lawn. Make sure you make a lot of noise. Then start digging a grave while screaming "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS". Your neighbors will be delighted.


lexielovesyou 0

wtf?. you&your mom are retards :D [:<

MysteryPerson852 0

Yup. YDI for not poking it with a stick first. Everyone knows that the first thing you do after finding someone or something that you believe it be dead is POKE IT WITH A STICK.

lexielovesyou 0

#11! i totally agree! :D haha!

WallyTheWombat 0

YDI for wearing hoodies that look like dead animals. OR wearing dead animals as hoodies.

allen2020 0

daughter like mother,,stupidity is in their blood

Chrisskiies 0

Actually I wouldn't poke a raccoon, they get vicious and attack. Only after they determine you're no longer a threat, that's hen they quit playing dead.

MysteryPerson852 0

#22 Who said anything about racoons? And if anyone has a goodie that looks like a racoon then THEY DESERVE TO BE ATTACKED!!!

MysteryPerson852 0

I meant hoodie... not goody. Stupid auto-correct.

WallyTheWombat 0

I have a goodie that looks like a raccoon ;) It even wears a mask.

Cupcakeshizz 0

this made me laugh xD why didn't you go see what the animal was anyway? I would've.

Chrisskiies 0

I'm talking about poking what would seem like a dead raccoon, that doesn't seem to be run over or something of the sort. I did not mention a hoodie in any way. 0.o

ruby84 1

you & your mom need glasses. besides, who calls animal control for one small dead animal? talk about divas!

Shookitup 0

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree I assume.

FFML_314 11

39, who's brains did you get?

ahahah 43 changed ur pic lol, I guess u saw my previuos comment huh

FFML_314 11

Hrm, no. I wouldn't change my picture for anyone else. I just happened to upload this picture and like it very much.

#11 the besttt! ydi for being so stupid!

op is from Illinois! I wouldn't call this an fml in that case, that's about as exciting as it gets

ChelseaXD 0

Omg... that's dumb. You couldve poked it or rolled it over with a stick or something!

Randaahh 0

you are so pretty! and this fml is damn funny!

pianogrl 0

agree with 11, poke it with a stick or throw something at it!

hey winter jackets can be freaking scary!

marcosfml15 0

haha I bet animal control was laughing their asses off!

lexielovesyou 0
WhyTheFace4 0

yea and I bet they still charged them for having to drive out there.

after the animal control said it was the hood, they prolly felt like freakin idiots. & how could you mistake a hood for a dead animal ?

poopmonster05 3

lmfao. like mother, like daughter.

pm_rod 0

fyl because you still had to pay him...

Uranus_fml 0

Hmm. I thought I saw a GIANT squished beetle but it was really string :/

FFML_314 11

Why would you call animal control? We country folk would take a shovel, scoop it up and toss it's ass in the woods. Or, you could have a lot of fun and wait until dinner time and put the animal in a tarp, along with some random objects, (just to make it appear to be larger) tie it up and drag it out into your lawn. Make sure you make a lot of noise. Then start digging a grave while screaming "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS". Your neighbors will be delighted.

lexielovesyou 0

woow. . . how do you think of things like this?. oh'jesus haha[:

WallyTheWombat 0

Meth is one helluva drug. I love reading her comments <3

FFML_314 11

HMPH, meth? Can't a girl just be happy without being accused of being an addict? I'm just a really fantastically, fabulous, over-enthusiastic, strange ass girl.

Chrisskiies 0

You forgot random Ari. AFP can suck it, just sayin'.

WallyTheWombat 0

And you're awesome for it, HOWEVER, your pic creeps me out...

FFML_314 11

My picture always creeps someone out. No matter what I change it too. I give out the creep vibe a lot. I think I'm rather adorable, but hey, what do I know?

brenduh911 0

hahahha! ur lyk awesome! hahahhahahhahhahahha

FFML_314 11

Don't worry it doesn't make you strange-ass if you throw dead animals in the woods. That's just how you get rid of them it doesn't make you strange :P Me personally I throw them in the coal stove and burn them. I don't think it's strange.

brenduh911 0

hahahha sorry I was half asleep and my texting habits kicked in

You...You are awesome. :D My neighbours probably WOULD be delighted...That or be too stoned to see anything amiss with the picture...o_O

uhhh ewww ! that must stiiink when you do that

knibbsy 4

YDI for thinking that gluing a dead raccoon to your coat is in. That was sooo 2004.

ur a fukin faaaag , just shut the *** up , and make everyone else happy

hahaha you guys are so stupid... why the he'll would you can animal control if it's dead... dumbasses YDI!!!