By Noname - 27/02/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, during a game of manhunt, my brother and his friends thought it would be funny to tie me to a telelphone pole with my very own multicolored jumprope from when I was younger. They left me there. My mom drove by, stared and then laughed, She kept driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 687
You deserved it 5 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obviously you got loose somehow, since you're posting this story. You should wait until your mother's asleep and then tie her up and take a video of her struggling and then say you're putting it on youtube. She sounds like she has a great sense of humor, so she'll probably play along. You'll be able to bond with her more easily. See? There's a bright spot you might have missed!


smoGEN 0


#8 You need to learn how to tie a knot.

man do you live in Nova Scotia JW cuz i think this might be someone i know aha

x_y_z 0

haha your mom sounds hella funi

wow... I would hire someone to tie her up and just walk by her while she is tied up and just laugh and keep walking...

My mom would have done that, too! :-)

bitchinstopshere 0

wow, well that is a real fyl. and your mom's not a bitch, she just knew that someone would let you down and didn't want to deny anyone else the laugh. My mom would probably do that too.