By 50sStyle - 12/06/2017 19:00 - United States - Hartland

Today, during lunch, I choked on my food and possibly came close to death when my boyfriend's best friend performed the Heimlich Maneuver on me, potentially saving my life. My boyfriend then started arguing with me over letting his best friend touch my stomach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 587
You deserved it 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He'd rather the funeral director touch your body?!

marsmonkey 8

I'm so sorry, OP- that's really awful! Perhaps this is a sign that this boyfriend might not deserve you. If your body means more to him as his territory, if might be time to end it.


Your own fault for getting yourself involved with an idiot.

Right, because assholes that are bordering on being or are abusive go around wearing signs that say, "I would prefer my date mate dead than someone touch them to save their life." You obviously have no idea how prolific of actors and liars abusers are, especially during the courting/love bombing and desensitization periods of a relationship.

Dump him. Dump the jealous and controlling piece of shit.

ArmedShark 2

dump his ass because that is not healthy at all. sounds really controlling and possessive

Tess390 7

when your boyfriend is more worried about someone touching your stomach to save you then actually thanking his friend for saving your life it's time to move on from him. I can't believe he didn't even care you were choking

time to get a new b-frnd !!!!!! just saying : )

AzraelAngelus 15