This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Bethany - 20/05/2016 19:31 - Germany

Today, even though my boyfriend knew that I was a devout catholic before he asked me on a date, he's pissed that I keep refusing to have sex. Apparently, he thought I was just playing hard to get and that I would eventually drop my panties like all the other slutty "religious" girls he claims to have fucked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 134
You deserved it 3 170

Top comments

If he can't respect a single wish he's not worth keeping around

sonasonic 34

I wonder if he puts that on his rèsumè...


It seems you can't win for losing with some people. Don't want to have sex? You're either a prude or playing hard to get. Have sex? You're a **** or a ***** or the town bike. And this isn't a double standard guys and girls get it all the time and it's ridiculous. Add in the whole guys want sex all the time bullshit it all seems like no one can win in this game. My favorite thing is when I mentioned that I was a virgin on the first date (we were talking about sexual experiences) and the guy started waxing poetic about how I was a precious unbruised flower who needed someone who wouldn't crush my petals. When I paid my own bill he called me a feminist bitch so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

brandonc8892 13

You should just stop being a prude.

its your wedding! put your foot down! or cancel the wedding and alope

1. No on should ever pressure you for sex. 2. If he wants it that bad, keeping it Catholic style you can tell him he has to marry you first. Watch him run for the hills, revealing him to be the superficial dirtbag he is.

Dump him OP if he doesn't respect your beliefs now he probably won't later.

newclassics1999 3

Jesus, even Kanye would call him a douche.

Jachin357 28

Good job in being true to your faith OP! NEVER check your beliefs/religion and your standards at the door for anyone. I would recommend finding someone that holds the same standards and values as you :)

he's worth just dropping like a bad habit.

Dump his ass OP. He has no respect for you or any other girl apparently. You're better off without him.