By Anonymous - 13/05/2014 19:23 - Canada - Charlottetown

Today, everyone at the office was finally presented with the bonuses our boss had promised to pay us by the end of last year. Turns out he was never authorized to promise any such thing, so he ended up just giving us signed "thank you" letters instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 917
You deserved it 3 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For his birthday, get him a picture of a gift card to his favorite restaurant. :P


My company made £200m profit last year and all I got was a shitty box of chocolates.

Looks like you did better than OP then. My company does the same shit though. They cut my pay but offer free lunches. ******* bastards.

This is like "Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation!"

I love when a movie can tie into real life!

Glad I'm not the only one thinking of Christmas Vacation!

Frame it. Maybe his signature will be worth something someday, like for being The Ultimate Douchebag.

Sounds like an episode of the Office when Michael fakes out everyone with his empty promises.

I hope your company has a "rate the boss" segment in his next performance appraisal.

Go over his head, he may well have been authorized, but they are making him a scapegoat, if you find out who screwed you, tie them to a tree and pour honey on his nuts.... and wait for nature to visit.

time to find a dark alley way and a baseball bat :-)

I love the smiley face at the end! It makes it seem like this is NOT the start of some devious and sinister plot... Muwahaha!

starting to sound a lot like the office! LOL