By Anonymous - 15/05/2009 22:38 - United States

Today, for my birthday, someone left a big bottle of mouth wash on my desk with a big bow on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 347
You deserved it 18 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either it's a gag gift or someone really is sending you a message in a hostile way.


Be positive. You got them to give you free mouth wash. Next try for dinner!

Ouch, I sympathize...I too suffer from the effects of constant dragonbreath. Orbitz gum does the trick perfectly...and it now comes with 35 pieces!

koalakittens 0

Cheer up, buttercup! For homecoming, someone tp'ed my yard and left an empty bottle of mouth wash on my front steps. I was freaked out. I thought I had said something that really pissed someone off, and it was a message. It turns out it was a guy who liked me and a couple of his friends. I asked one of the friends about the mouth wash. They said there was no reason.

Looks like someone doesn't brush enough

I think that was pretty nice of them... happy birthday!!! USE THE MOUTHWASH!!!!

Take the hint. At least that someone tried to be polite about it.

sxychik 4

aww that really sucks, atleast you know now though :) Happy Birthday!!

sxychik 4

little late.. sorry about that :s