By MLGreco - 14/10/2011 16:11 - United States

Today, for the first time, I beat my brother in a game of CoD. Not being a gamer, I was ecstatic. Later, when I was in the shower, my brother snuck in the bathroom, yelled "Napalm strike!" and threw our cat over the shower curtain like a furry grenade from hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 472
You deserved it 5 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cats are slowly replacing dogs as the new killstreak

Payback is a bitch... Well in this case a pussy!


You should wait until he gets a shower, sneak into the bathroom, and pelt him with random stuff whilst yelling "MEGA BARRAGE!!!"

Dogs are bitches! Cats rule the battlefield

Unreal77 0

Similar thing happen to me but it was a firework and it was my friend that I called and was on his way over we he got there he just walked in and found fireworks in my room 1+1=boom

varkey 7

wtf? He could have seriously injured your cat. FYL Also, why wouldn't you lock the door while taking a shower?

smosherXOfreakk 0

I'm sorry but I almost pissed myself laughing XD he is just a sore loser lol.