By Alittlebitiffy - 14/11/2016 12:42 - Australia - Caloundra

Today, for the sixteenth day in a row, my husband slept in the guest room because he doesn't want to disturb the dogs once they've fallen asleep on our bed, so they don't hate him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 120
You deserved it 1 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you keep letting your dogs sleep with you if this has happened 15 times already?!

Couldn't u sleep in the guest room as well?


There's more to this, I highly doubt that's why he's sleeping in the guest room... That's just an excuse

Tell him that the dogs might not hate him but you will.

Did you, at any point, say something like he was disturbing the dogs when he tried to get in bed with you? Have you inadvertently prioritised the dogs over him at any point? It is possible that you hurt the guy somewhere, and weren't listening when he tried to tell you. You could use reaching out to him and asking him. Many women don't realise that men have feeling too. I have been there. Or, if it is not something that you did, perhaps you could tell him that this is hurting you, and would like to work with him to build the intimacy back. And, for heaven's sake, don't share your marriage with dogs or anything else. Whatever you put on your bed, you are sharing your marriage with it/him/her, and that space needs to belong to just you two.

Me thinks that the hubby is making excuses not to sleep with you cuz he boom boom someone else already someplace else. I see you're from QLD and It gets a bad name only because of people in Logan. Also on an unrelated notes people who call Brissy Brisvegas should at least look up Vegas on YouTube.

uh don't let your dogs on the bed??? have them sleep in a dog bed!

Some people like their dogs sleeping with them. Our dog sleeps with my parents and the one we used to have slept with me.

Nissi 17

Uh, no. Kick the dogs out. Your bed is for you and your husband.