By WinkleBottom - 04/11/2013 22:01 - United States
WinkleBottom tells us more.
Breath or body odor isn't the issue. I'm just a quiet kid in a room of loud ones. I guess I'm boring, eh? Also, no, I do not stick my penis in fish tacos.
Top comments
Tomoko Kuroki, is that you?
Why is that punishment that teacher is being rude
Try making friends or at least have people that you get along well with
Most people at my school seem to do the same thing to me. I'm really quiet, and I guess scary looking. It sucks, but kids(especially teenagers) are assholes. Don't let it bother you though! Just ignore the douchebags and go on with your life.
My teachers used to do that to me, it was really punishing me more than the misbehaving student
Maybe it's your breath, what did you have to eat? Roast beef, some chicken, a pizza?
That's not something a good teacher would do.