By WinkleBottom - 04/11/2013 22:01 - United States

Today, for the tenth time, my teacher made a misbehaving student sit next to me as punishment. He begged for detention instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 736
You deserved it 5 759

WinkleBottom tells us more.

Breath or body odor isn't the issue. I'm just a quiet kid in a room of loud ones. I guess I'm boring, eh? Also, no, I do not stick my penis in fish tacos.

Top comments

Maybe it's your breath, what did you have to eat? Roast beef, some chicken, a pizza?

That's not something a good teacher would do.


If the teacher actually meant that the guy had to sit next to OP, rather than just getting him to sit on the other side of the room from his friends, that's completely not OK.

This is so wrong what is the teacher trying to say?

It is people being immature - and you can complain about your teacher - it is a punishment for you too and it is humiliating for you to be "the punishment". Probably, your teacher sees it as a punishment simply because the person is away from their friendship group and hopes your good behavior will rub off on them. But it still sucks. And been there!! You aren't the only one.

yerbduebeenehe 16

Turn to him and whisper "Hail Satan"

I didn't talk much in early school either, everyone seemed to hate me. Maybe the teacher knew you didn't socialize with the others and was trying to cut them off from talking to their friends. Or she thought you were a serial killer and loudmouth would be wise to shut up near a serial killer (but we all know dumb asses are anatomically build to be unable to shut up)

You should tape the teacher making these comments with your phone so he/she can't try to worm their way out of this abusive behavior. It's too bad asshat teachers like this have jobs while so many good ones are having a hard time getting jobs, here at least.

RedPillSucks 31

In middle school, we had one kid that was "the enforcer". He was quite, but would regularly beat the snot out of whomever was pissing off the teacher that day. We also had another kid who would regularly shout "I'll cut out your heart with a spoon!!", and he looked like he could and would do it. Needless to say, there was always an empty row of chairs around him. Which one of these are you?

The main problem here is that the ends don't justify the means. The teacher was singled OP out as a means to get the annoying student to behave. The student singled OP out by begging for some other form of punishment, quite possibly embarrassing OP. If anything, OP was being used as a pawn to attempt to rectify some assclown's poor educational drive, as well as being used to encourage other students to continue singling OP out. Sure, you may call it "peer modeling," but it doesn't necessarily take into account OP's feelings on the matter. Did the teacher take into consideration that OP may have a difficult time focusing while his classmate is around him? It certainly doesn't sound like the teacher called a powwow with OP about being the class role model, so it would make sense that OP feels that the teacher was wrongfully singling him out. At least your teacher wasn't like one of my previous teachers that befriended the troublesome classmates and let them get away with the god-forsaken talking/making fart sounds/making obnoxious sex noises in class.

You really need to complain about this to higher authorities. I know the feeling, OP and I'm sorry. Some people just seem to be afraid of difference.

You should tell this to the principale or someone who can help you. Seems like bullying to me.