By Tagged - 13/09/2009 02:35 - United States

Today, I accidentally left the tag on the new pants that I wore to work. Nobody had brought it to my attention for the whole day until finally, before I was about to go home, every single employee and my boss let me know by yelling in unison and laughing as I left the building. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 242
You deserved it 7 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

juega12847 0

That's shitty. Then again, I collect Cabbage patch dolls. They're my only friends. We have tea parties.

Where the **** do you work that that is something worth actually pointing out and laughing about. What kind of wacked out humor do people have in Illinois. I am guessing this is where the "fans" of Carlos Mencia live.


how is this an fml? god forbid people know you bought new pants.

how is this fml. unless the tag said walmart

What the ****? What kind of dry humour do you coworkers have? "HAHAHAHAH OMG DID YOU SEE?!?!?! HE HAS A TAG ON HIS ASSSSSSSSSS! AHAHAHAHAH!" Like, that's really not that funny. Someone should've just said something... Did everyone who saw you decide to just not tell you and then all get together to shout at you later? This is so stupid.

Oh wow. Wtf? Not only does it seem fake, it's not a FML. A bunch of people would NOT do that.

doubleAbattery 0

Who the hell moderated this one? I want to sick a rabid dog on them. This (non)FML sucks.

OP, your coworkers did that because "bug the newbie" is something that happens at many jobs. One of my friends had a prank pulled on him his first day on a new job, and I think your new coworkers were just messing with you. If you play it cool, you'll eventually get more respect. :-P