By Staples - 15/05/2010 06:21 - United Kingdom

Today, I accidentally stapled my finger to a piece of paper. It hurt, but I took it out and went to restaple it. I did it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 273
You deserved it 49 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kimberly_Isabel 7

That must have really hurt. I think you should focus more on what you're doing!


Twenty five years ago, an ancient legend of this sacred art of 'Stapling' came alive. It spoke of a foreign child who would come among us and become a Staple master unlike any other. How he arrived on our shores will forever remain a mystery. We common Staple users thought that this child would be the great StapleDude of the legend. We were wrong. We were very wrong.

martron3000 5

Next time, just use paperclips!

fartstar 0

Mama always said stupid is as stupid does.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

you seem like a really crazy, hyper person. =p

Today, OP also left their helmet on the short bus.


the term "*******" applies here me thinks. ydi

As Bush would say, "Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." :P The first one qualifies as an accident, but doing it again right away is just ridiculous! And probably your fault...

yea OP you're either horribly stupid or you had two honest mistakes....In a row ;p. oh and if bush had an fml account his **** ups would all on the all time list..." today, I sent millions of soldiers to the wrong country; now I've spread terrorism to Iraq." FML

#125 Bahaha! True that. Bush would've posted to FML at least once a week...

oucchhh lol i stapled myself a few days ago to ;p haha

that's not really something to be proud of....