By Anonymous - 04/07/2013 16:27 - Germany - K?ln

Today, I actually had to teach my 9-year-old brother how to pour himself a glass of milk, after he burst out in tears when my sister told him to do it himself. His astonishing ignorance also extends to basic hygiene. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 054
You deserved it 4 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments


feldco1 17

This 100% falls on the parents. It's not your responsibility to make up for your their lackluster effort.

..Sounds like my almost-14 year old, (younger) brother. Teach him now, it only gets worse.

Sounds like my 18 year old younger brother. He just graduated high school and he has no clue how to do any kind of cooking or cleaning- he can't even peel an orange by himself. If he ever moves out on his own he'll probably starve to death in his never been cleaned apartment :/

Axel5238 29

It's amazing how some people are still babied by their parents. When I was 21 I had a roommate that couldn't cook hamburger helper because he was afraid of screwing it up he hadn't really ever cooked for himself before. Same with a female friend that though living on your own was just partying all and couldn't clean her place or do dishes.

Sometimes people just don't realize that children don't miraculously pick up basic survival skills, hygiene being one of them. They actually have to be taught that becoming acquainted with soap and water on a regular basis is a good thing. After awhile it (hopefully) sinks in. When my step daughter was 11, we literally had to drag her kicking and screaming into the bathroom to shower. A year later, I was ready to slide her meals under the door because she never came out!

Your brother needs to grow up &' your parents need to step up ..

KiddoKS 19

You definitely need to talk to your parents. Kids are ruthlessly honest and he's going to end up being known as the "stinky kid." Growing up is hard enough without trying to break free of that kind of stigma.

KiddoKS 19

I'm guessing that falls under the "hygiene" category... Skid Marks very likely

Sounds like my little brother, only if i told him to do it himself, he'd probably get slapped by my mom. FYL

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Unless you want to take care of him for the REST OF YOUR LIFE you might want to start teaching him how to take care of himself.

Sadly I've seen worst.... A 19 year old that don't know how to cook ground beef

And your point is..? I don't know how to cook ground beef either, because I'm vegetarian and don't eat ground beef. I do know how to cook lots of other things, though, so I don't see the problem.

*doesn't A lot of people don't really know how to cook at that age until they get out on their own for a while or have to prepare the food at home while the parents work.

I guess I must be mistaken.. I thought your parents were to teach your brother all those things?