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Mommy milkers

By Anonymous - 30/09/2009 05:17 - Malaysia

Today, we ran out of milk and my 4 year-old son came up to me and asked if he could "milk" my wife's breasts for his cereal. Apparently, he thinks my wife doesn't love him and his sister is selfish for not sharing her milk. His sister is only one month old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 150
You deserved it 4 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

birds_fml 7

There really needs to be a "so what" button. How is this FML? Your 4 year old is cute and innocent? Seriously, what the hell.

"Son, you're too old! You don't see Daddy sucking on Mommy's breasts, do you?" "I'm sorry, Daddy; I was afraid of the dark the other night and—I thought...." "Oh...."


HahaYDI 0

Yeah, can you imagine what she'll be like in 15 years, so greedy...

bskballa92 0

Anyone ever tell your son that he is a ******* genius?

haleycstar 0

wtf is wrong with the person that wrote #1?

holy sh*t thats what i think!!!!! i HATE lame ydi's.

someone2me2 1

That's no fml it's just cute

wellinever 5

Meanwhile tolkienfanatic your Malaysian must be perfect otherwise you wouldn't dare criticise the quality of the OPs English. Good for the little boy thinking "outside the box", but I don't this Fs anyone's life. It's just a learning experience.

A kid, at 4 years old, asks if he can milk his mom. Then proceeds to ask if he can milk his sister. There's so much wrong in that.

Are you trying to be thick? Who doesn't understand the child would have obviously have been referring to the fact that his sister is the only one that gets to breast feed.

As much as I've laughed at FMLs and comments on here I do believe that 70s comment made me laugh the most. Stupid, stupid, STUPID!!!! The FML about the "liquid cat shit" wa pretty ******* hilarious, though.

Xx_f_us_all 0

ydi for not grabbing your wides breasts and shooting milk in your sons cereal lol jkjkjk get off fml and go buy milk

this comment made my day, mercyFML. @OP: YDI for bad parenting, letting your child think your wife doesn't love him.

dudeitsdanny 9

No, that's totally normal for a four-year-old--at that age, they think 'fair' means 'everyone gets exactly the same thing (except I get more)'. Probably been said in some form throughout history that it's unfair baby gets milk while toddler doesn't have it. Developmentally they're beginning to understand fairness, but they're not old enough to have a grasp on how it works yet, so it gets confusing for them.

birds_fml 7

There really needs to be a "so what" button. How is this FML? Your 4 year old is cute and innocent? Seriously, what the hell.

Pretty sure the OP knows this is no FML; it's just funny and he knew we'd get some Kix out of it. Mother-tested, kid-approved!

it's not even funny. the kid's 4 years old, of course he doesn't understand the necessity of breast-feeding. and hell, if he wants some breast milk, let him have some. obviously he won't be able to get enough for his cereal, but it won't hurt him to suckle a bit and if it reassures him that his mom loves him, all the better.

skiz_fml 0

When you see an fml, that needs a "so what", this is what wee need. Today, we ran out of milk and my 4 year old son came up to me and asked if he can "milk" my wife's breasts for his cereals. Apparently, he thinks my wife doesn't love him and his sister is selfish for not sharing her milk. His sister is only one month old. MLIA

texaschick1998 0

Half of the post are just to make people laugh. I don't really think they have to be FMLs.

You do NOT give into a child's tantrum. That's what spoils them. You can't give them everything they want, and we don't know how much milk the mother has. Some women have trouble providing milk for one baby, let alone when the kid throws a tantrum.

Hardstyle_Maniac 0

Well, isn't that just awkward? Quite awkward. I hope you went and bought some milk after that.

That's funny, not really a FML, more a funny family story for the future....

noelykins1 19

However it's weird that the entire time OP kept saying his wife rather than his son's mother... Sounds like someone with control issues...