By skyllabeauty1234 - 23/07/2015 03:18 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I am probably the only person in the world who can manage to pull a muscle in their neck while brushing their teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 234
You deserved it 2 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you didn't pull a muscle in your neck while trying to give yourself a *******.


darthhera 11

Yes, out of 7 billion+ people in the world, and not including the people that have died since toothbrushes were invented, you're the only one to have managed this feat. Congrats.

Those two things have no relevance to each other.

I've done that while brushing my hair.

You are not alone in the "hurting your neck in stupid ways" club. I did it while brushing my hair, reading a book, playing on my computer, and doing absolutely nothing. Don't feel bad OP.

If it gives you any comfort... You are not the only one.. Happened to me Once before

One time I pulled a muscle in my jaw trying to take a big bite of a burger

Don't feel too bad, I once pulled a muscle in my neck simply by sitting up in bed, couldn't move my head for two weeks!

yeah probably but congratulations on that

I've also done that OP, you're not alone. The same week I put out my back sneezing :/