By Theregomylifesavings - 07/08/2016 08:52 - Vanuatu - Port-vila

Today, I arrived for the holiday across the world that I spent my entire savings from working during college on. I had a slight sore throat, and couldn't manage to equalise my right ear, aborting all my scuba dives. There goes $500 and my dream of being a scuba instructor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 813
You deserved it 1 126

Top comments

If 500$ is your savings you shouldnt be on holiday..just saying

Are you sure it was an instructor development course you signed up for? Usually it doesn't start with dives in open water and and 500$ also sounds too cheap.. Get a lot of rest and good luck on your future dives, equalising problems are the worst!


Are you sure it was an instructor development course you signed up for? Usually it doesn't start with dives in open water and and 500$ also sounds too cheap.. Get a lot of rest and good luck on your future dives, equalising problems are the worst!

I don't think it was the instructor course they were signed up for but the introductory open water course. They just dreamed of eventually being an instructor.

I guess you could say you NEMO cash... Get it? Scuba diving... No? Okay I'll let myself out.

If 500$ is your savings you shouldnt be on holiday..just saying

Well also you have to consider the plane tickets and living expenses such as hotels and transportation. OP could have just been referring to the price of the scuba diving.

Yeah I think the 500 dollars was just scuba diving costs, which probably isn't anywhere near the cost of the whole trip.

I don't know if you're trolling or just stupid.

The cost of living in Micronesia is way less than most of the "developed" world, add a 0 to the $500 and you get your equivalent vacation money elsewhere.

Not quite true. Yes, the cost of living is lower (though this is rapidly increasing), but hotels cater to tourists, and are often pretty expensive. $500 is probably just for the scuba diving course, not for his whole trip.

Well if you gave up after one sore throat and failed test there probably wasn't much of a career to be had for you.

Considering the amount of dives and training required to be a dive instructor, this is a bullshit complaint.

fpants2010 18

You only saved $500 in four years?

Can you not comprehend what was written I'm pretty sure the $500 was for the scuba diving

OP's name : Theregomylifesavings. I think its valid to assume that op did save $500 as life savings/ scuba diving lessons.

Don't worry, after college you'll be able to earn back your 500$ in no time, and by then you'll have no free time to travel anymore. It's called losing your life earning it.

Why go to college at all if your dream is to be a scuba instructor? Also, aren't there classes in your area or in a nearby city to become an instructor? From what I've seen, scuba classes aren't ocean dependent.

For the vast majority, the "follow your dream" advice is a terrible advice.

petert71 10

You didn't already know you couldn't equalize before heading overseas? Poor planning on your part.

OP couldn't equalize due to the sore throat they had on that specific day, I'm assuming. They might clear their ears by swallowing.

You shouldn't have spent all of your savings at once

They probably had to in order to pay for the trip.