By feetfreak - 13/11/2013 09:00 - United States - Laguna Hills

Today, I asked a co-worker why he was wearing sandals, as they are not allowed under our strict dress code. He got extremely angry with me and stormed off. Ten minutes later, I got called into our boss' office. Apparently, he told her that I walked up to him and asked to suck his toes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 469
You deserved it 4 075

feetfreak tells us more.

Hi. This is the original poster. 1. I was not trying to boss him around or be a tattle-tale. We work at a warehouse store and his job requires him to regularly perform heavy lifting INDOORS and heavy lifting OUTDOORS when he has to help customers carry things to their cars and load them. The guy was relatively new, so I was concerned about his safety. I thought maybe he just left the house in a hurry and forgot that he was wearing sandals. I've accidentally almost left the house in my running sneakers only to quickly run back and change. 2. I wasn't trying to be nosy, I was just genuinely curious and was not going to report him or try and get him in trouble. I am not a narc. We were making what I thought was polite small talk. Guess I was wrong. 3. To the people telling me to mind my own business: if you had toilet paper stuck to your shoe or broccoli in your teeth, wouldn't you want someone to tell you so you don't walk around all day looking like a fool?

Top comments

bigjoeanzalone 4

Hopefully your boss believed you over that jackass coworker of your's.

dragoongirl90 34

Don't worry about the idiots. You were perfectly polite and within your rights to look out for another person's safety. Please update with how it turned out with your boss and your douche co-worker!


Mind your own business next time...

Perhaps you should follow your own advice.

I love stuck up bitches like you. He was trying to help someone...something decent people still do although its apparent you do not fit into the decent category. Ill bet if you had something on your face or your hair was a mess youd be pissed if everyone let you walk around looking like an idiot instead of telling you! And mind their own business?? Honey youre on a site DESIGNED for looking into other peoples business. Hypocrisy is not a good look on you.

I wish I could hit the like button for your comment more than once!

What is wrong with people these days.. Purposely jewing others over. It makes me sad ...

Or hey here's a thought - the sandal wearing ass hat could follow the rules. Ohhhh makes me a nosey tattle tale huh well if you don't want your job plenty of people do- bet they follow the rules

You tell them OP! The OP just wanted to assure safety, not their fault the guy was overly dramatic with a potential foot fetish. Even if they could've left it to the superiors, it was just a question.. Chill people

You did the right thing by asking him. Can't help those who won't help themselves though, unfortunately. I hope the situation was rectified, and you weren't in trouble.

honestly I can't believe the amount of comments of people saying op's a narc. the people who believe OP was wrong in doing this friendly act are the kind of people who bitch about flipping burgers for minimum wage. rules are not hard to follow hard work can get you places and even if you get great results from your work if you're constantly breaking rules no boss or higher up will promote a guaranteed rule breaker. Op I think you were just being concerned for your backstabbing co-worker who in turned thought you were going to report him and was rubbing it in his face. FYI mate.

Just remind him that if he gets injured on the job, workman's comp won't cover it because he was not in compliance and in "uniform". Dumb shit.