By dramaqueen - 14/04/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend why he dates me. He immediately responded, "Well, TV shows are boring and predictable, so you're a good source of fresh and interesting drama." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 040
You deserved it 31 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. He is obviously baiting you for asking a stupid question. It always annoys me when women ask this because all they are wanting is to be flattered and told how beautiful they are blah blah blah. If they wanted some flattery then they should just come out and ask for it. Not trying to thinly disguise it with this stupid question.

dz_zb 0

yes your boyfriend told you that you're fresh, interesting and dramatic **** your life how could your life possibly be any worse?


I think you either asked the wrong question, or asked a good question in the wrong way. The way it's asked, your question could easily be seen as a challenge: "[subtext=I don't think you love me enough] Why are you dating me?" or as a fishing expedition: "[subtext=I don't think you've told me I'm beautiful recently enough]" or whatever. If you really wanted to start a serious conversation about what he sees as your future together, you would get a better response if you make that much clearer in your question: "[subtext=Is this relationship heading towards marriage in the next 2 years?] Can we talk a bit about our future together, and what your feeling are about our being together long-term?" **Hint** These types of questions work much better if you sit down with someone calmly, put your arms around them, and then ask. Asking such things immediately after a fight, or as soon as either of you walks through the front door tends to create a destabilising atmosphere.

Hey, he thinks you're interesting. At least he doesn't think you're boring and predictable?

VooDooXII 0
almostright 0

what?! that's hella cute!! where's your sense of humor????

Isn't this kind of a compliment? Come FML?!?!?!!

coloradobound 0

YDI seems like he was joking so laugh

Agree with #2, #3, #5, #18.... and so on, basically you're stupid and what everyone is saying in here is true.

almost_midget 0

It's upsetting to hear that some people no longer have senses of humor.

You're fresh, interesting and dramatic? That's kind of not at all a bad thing. At all... Guess it depends on the delivery too though.